Chevron Pouch by Bethany Cerella

Chevron Pouch

Bethany Cerella's Ravelry Store
no longer available from 1 source show
January 2023
Thread ?
40 stitches = 4 inches
in single crochet
1.75 mm
100 - 150 yards (91 - 137 m)
8, 10, 12cm
This pattern is available for €3.99 EUR buy it now

This handy chevron pouch can organize your purse, carry change, hold jewelry and sort cables. With a squeeze clasp, your valuable are secure and still easy to access. This pattern is designed to make squeeze clasps easy to install - No fiddly sewing at the end!

Gauge is important only for the beginning, where you’ll make fabric that fits around the clasp: 40sc = 10 cm, 4 rows = 1 cm

In addition to 2 colors of #10 crochet thread (totaling 100-150 yards, depending on the length of pouch you make), you’ll need:

~ an 8, 10 or 12cm flex / squeeze clasps, which can be ordered on amazon - search for “flex frame clasp”
~ scissors and a needle to sew in loose ends
~ a pair of pliers or a hard surface to press the clasp against to secure the pin
~ optional metal ring