Child/Adult Brown Owl Collared Cardigan by Lorraine Hearn

Child/Adult Brown Owl Collared Cardigan

Rico Essentials Twist Super Chunky
US 15 - 10.0 mm
US 11 - 8.0 mm
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

This is the 3rd of 3 designs from the “Brown Owl” Accessories Leaflet 1.

Due to the amount of enquiries with regards to the Brown Owl Waistcoat we will be grading this design to cater for adults too!
The PDF will be loaded onto Ravelry later tonight but you can also purchase this leaflet direct from my main website and the PDF will be e mailed over to you when we have made the adjustments.

This is a quick and fun project using Essentials Twist Super Chunky by Rico Design.

The Owls are knitted separately. If you are a beginner knitter who has learnt your knit and purl stitches, can do simple decreases and know simple cables you should be able to do this design.

MyPDFPatterns has also launched a facebook page and you will find us on this link