GRL PWR Wall Hanging by Lauren Aston Designs

GRL PWR Wall Hanging

March 2020
Super Bulky (5-6 wpi) ?
10 stitches and 10 rows = 4 inches
in Stockinette & Garter
US 17 - 12.0 mm
66 - 77 yards (60 - 70 m)
One Size Only
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

Designed for International Women’s Day, this knitted banner uses basic colourwork techniques to create the slogan GRL PWR.

This design is really straightforward and we’ve got lots of videos, tips and how to’s over on our knitting knowledge page. Plus the pattern comes with both written and grid work versions, so you can follow the one you find easiest.

Your options are endless with colour choices, whether you’re going to add pompoms or not, or even what to hang it from!

If you’ve got the yarn at home then you can get going straight away, it should take you a couple of hours from start to finish, and you’ll just need to be creative with what you’ll hang it off!

Intermediate - Advanced

Approx 2 hours

Basic ‘Knit’ & ‘Purl’ stitch plus colourwork knitting

27cm wide x 35cm long approx

1 x 100g hank Lauren Aston Designs Super Chunky Yarn - background colour
2 x 20g balls Lauren Aston Designs Super Chunky Yarn - text colours
Single 25mm jumbo knitting needle (for hanging - or you can use dowling or a stick, or similar of your choice)
Twine for hanging
Long 12mm needles
35mm pompom maker if you want to add pompoms
tapestry needle