Natural Cowl by Pink Araiguma

Natural Cowl

September 2019
DK (11 wpi) ?
22 stitches = 4 inches
in 10 sts x 9 rows = 5 cm x 3 cm
US 6 - 4.0 mm
131 - 137 yards (120 - 125 m)
Free (adjustable)
This pattern is available for $3.90 USD buy it now

Happy Fall Happy Knitting

The Natural Cowl pattern is a simple and effortless knit design.
Easy to knit for fun, gift or travel.

2019.09.27 Estimated Finished Size: 42cm circumference x 21cm height (after blocking)
Thanks greyhoundlover’s comment

I usually knit loose. If you knit tight, you may try to use bigger size of knitting needles to cast on and bind off.

Yarn Details: Jaeger Baby Merino DK 50g 120m 100% Merino Wool
Needles and Others: 4mm circular knitting needle (a cable needle, some markers, if necessary)
Estimated Finished Size: 21cm circumference x 21cm height (after blocking)
Estimated Yarn Consumption: 50g
Size: Free (can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing stitches and repeats of Part B)

The Natural Cowl Pattern is the 7th pattern of “Memory 50”.
”Memory 50” is a special project to myself, for myself - to publish 50 patterns before Mid-September 2020.
I know it sounds crazy, but I’ll give it my best shot.
Project Number : 5007