Nether Garments - Adult (September) by Elizabeth Zimmermann

Nether Garments - Adult (September)

Summary: Leggings knit in-the-round, from the bottom up. Instructions are given for adding feet, if desired.

Gauge Note: As with many EZ patterns, gauge is not given. Instead, pick your yarn, swatch, and calculate the number of stitches needed based on the desired finished size of the leggings.

From the book: EZ says: “Let us be the first on the block, then, yea, the first in the town, the county, the State, to make these useful garments the way I’m sure Providence intended them to be made, on circular needles: and when too small for that, on a set of four sock-needles. The main thing is to avoid all seams, which pop inconveniently, especially in a garment which has to have feet constantly thrust into it. Besides, sewn seams are rarely an embellishment, and sometimes downright ugly.”

Pattern Notes: Knitted tights are “faster to knit than you think; actually a pair weighs no more than an average sweater, and thus entails no more knitting. Buy as much wool, therefore, as you would for an average sweater: five 4oz skeins of knitting worsted, or less of thinner wool.”

The yarn suggested in the Opinionated Knitter is no longer available; it was worsted weight.

The pattern was first published in Newsletter #17, Fall 66.