Today I Feel Like Slipping Away by Margrét María Leifsdóttir

Today I Feel Like Slipping Away

September 2019
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 6 - 4.0 mm
1203 - 1400 yards (1100 - 1280 m)
Medium and large
English Icelandic
This pattern is available for $7.00 USD buy it now

At the start of summer 2019 I wanted a new knitting project. I wanted to knit while travelling, on camping trips, out in the wild, in the mountains, at the lake and at the beach. This type of project had to be quite simple and not demand a lot of meticulous pattern reading. I still wanted it to have a nice texture and many colors, preferably only one at a time though. And so I came up with the pattern for the shawl Today I Feel Like Slipping Away.

The shawl comes in two sizes but the method is the same. Only the main part of the large shawl is longer and so also becomes wider.
The shawl is knit form the top left corner and down. The main part being knit first with the two main colors. After that we start introducing the contrast colors where you can play with all the colors of the rainbow (the pattern has 6 contrast colors!). It’s nice to pair the contrasting colors two by two even though they also blend together with the colors on either side. The contrast color-pairs come out better if the colors used are not too similar.

This is a fun project and when the rows become long the color changes become more frequent. This is the perfect project to use mini skeins and /or leftover yarns from other projects. Of course you can adjust the length of the pattern repeats to fit the amount of yarn that you have.

Tassels are cute but optional.

The shawl is made with fingering weight yarn (100g = approx.. 400 g).

The two main colors (A and B) should be two colors that complement each other in a striped pattern.

The contrast colors can also be thought of as pairs, c & d, e & f and g & h, as they are knit together in the same pattern as the main part with short connecting sections between.

Color A – main color 1: 100 g/400 m
Color B – main color 2: 100 g/400 m

Color C: 20 g/80 m
Color D: 20 g/80 m

Color E: 20 g/80 m
Color F: 20 g/80 m

Color G: 20 g/80 m
Color H: 20 g/80 m


4 mm (US 6) long circular needle (80 or 100 cm)
Featured yarn
A Today I Feel Dark
B Today I Feel At Peace
C Today I Feel Charming
D Today I Feel Muddled
E Today I Feel Generous
F Today I Feel A little Sensitive
G Today I Feel At ease
H Today I Feel The rock