Wooden Blocks by Pink Araiguma

Wooden Blocks

October 2019
Aran (8 wpi) ?
Estimated: 12sts x 16rows = 8cm x 5cm
US 7 - 4.5 mm
148 - 164 yards (135 - 150 m)
Free (adjustable)
This pattern is available for $3.90 USD buy it now

NEVELINE Silke by Arvier is one of my favorite yarns. It’s soft, light and warm. I use NEVELINE not only for my designs (such as Okurimono, Circuit Cowl etc) but also for other projects.

Wooden Blocks is designed for one NEVELINE donut ball. YES, it takes 150m only! What is more, it’s easy and effortless (the design concept of my Project Memory 50).

As knitters, we always have one or two skeins/balls of leftovers in stash. I assure you that Wooden Blocks is a perfect Christmas gift and it helps you make good use of your DK/8ply stash.

Yarn Details: NEVELINE Silke By Arvier Col 862 50g 150m 60% Mohair 40% Acrylic
Needles and Others: 4.5mm circular knitting needle (some markers, if necessary)
Estimated Finished Size: 54cm circumference x 27cm height (after blocking)
Estimated Yarn Consumption: 45g
Size: Free (adjustable)

I usually knit loosely. If you knit tightly, you may use needles of a bigger size to cast on and bind off. Both Provisional Cast On Method and Stretchy Bind Off Method take more time than the simple cast on/bind off methods but it’s worth trying.

The Wooden Blocks Pattern is the 8th pattern of “Memory 50”.
”Memory 50” is a special project to myself, for myself - to publish 50 patterns before Mid-September 2020.
I know it sounds crazy, but I’ll give it my best shot.
Project Number : 5008