Heart Cloth - community projects
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Heart Cloth - community projects

Project info
Hearts Charts by Mayan Ward
Meher Baba Samadi
44" x 42"
Needles & yarn
  • these hearts can be used for anything, not just a blanket.

This was our first community project. We decided that each person could only do one heart for them self, but could do more for others who did not know to knit.
We did not gauge - not to scare anybody, and took our chance that it will all work out in the end, and it did. I learned how giving and forgiving knitting is.

It was exciting - people came and choose color and pattern and we knitted it for them. One guy learned how to knit, so he could do his own, and we even got some hearts through the mail.

I didn’t even know to estimate how long it may take, and to my surprise it was all done in 1.5 month.

The second one was made with the extra hearts into a lap quilt and with crochet borders between the hearts.

The still extra hearts were made into a pillow (2008).

More about these projects at
link text

The last picture is another community project called
(a cover for the Western Wall)
30” X 28.5”, 2009
I knitted the background.

A Prayer:
With pockets
for the unwritten prayers,
the unshed tears
and the joy, that bubbles from within and spreads
to the whole world.

viewed 348 times | helped 1 person
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About this pattern
1 project, in 7 queues
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  • Project created: January 29, 2012
  • Finished: January 29, 2012
  • Updated: February 12, 2013