Bethel King

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Crochet: Scrubber
Do you crave that Coastal Life? Well, try some Lifesaver Tawashi!
Crochet: Scrubber
Do you need a Short-Attention Span project? Well, try some Crocheted Tawashi!
Knitting: Scrubber
Do you need a Short-Attention Span project? Well, try some Seamless
Knitting: Mittens
I wanted a pair of really warm Mittens to match a bright red coat I have. I had just gone on a trip in November to Ann Arbor, MI where I bought the perfect shade of tone-on-tone Malabrigo Twist in an awesome red with orange undertones to match my coat and I had a trip to Calgary, AB, Canada planned for mid-December. So even though I live in Kat...