Martyna Kunkel

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Doll
Olivia is part of my knitted family
Knitting: Doll
Amelia is another addition to my knitted family. She is average teen who just loves to hang out with friends.
Knitting: Doll
Sam is another addition to my knitted family. He is average teen who likes his baggy clothes.
Knitting: Doll
Laura is part of my knitted family. If you knitted Maya or Daniel add her too ;)
Knitting: Doll
Daniel is Maya’s husband so if you knitted her, you would for sure want to knit him too ;)
Knitting: Doll
When Maya found out that she’s pregnant she was very happy, and so was her husband. They just couldn’t wait for little baby in their arms. Maya loved to be pregnant but when the day finally came and little Emma was born she was also happy that “big belly time” is over. Emma is very quiet baby, hardly ever cry and mostly sleep in her mother’s ar...
Knitting: Doll
Size of doll depends of yarn and needles. With DK yarn and 2,5mm needles dolls I get 15cm dolls, but when I used 3,25mm needles I get 18cm dolls.
Knitting: Beret, Tam
I used double strand of yarn. It was quite quick project.