Nancy McRay

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Crochet: Scarf
Hand Woven in plain weave with some lace variation. Felting after weaving adds dimension and interest. Fast weekend project.
Crochet: Scarf
This is a woven scarf, using several different lace techniques.
Knitting: Vest
This piece is knit flat, from side to side. An innovative use of double knitting creates the layered effect. Short rows are used to create the side shaping. These two techniques keep the knitting interesting, but really not so very difficult. Because of the simple shape and construction, an experience knitter should have no trouble adapting the...
Crochet: Scarf
This is a beginner weaving project, and can be made on a rigid heddle loom.
Knitting: Cowl
Two different yarns of the same color create an interesting stripe on one side and lattice pattern on the other side - yes this cowl is reversible!
Knitting: Vest
This is fully reversible, close fitting vest. It is double knit through out using a variety of double knit stitch patterns. It uses equal amounts of two colors.
Knitting: Fingerless Gloves
Knitting: Cardigan
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
This pattern can be knit with any yarn at any gauge, because you start at the top and knit downwards, increasing until you reach the right size.