Amanda Ironmonger

Amanda Ironmonger

Welcome to Dog Mom Knits Designs! My name is Amanda and I have been knitting since December of 2012.

I wrote my first pattern while on vacation with my bestie, Jennie, in 2021. I was surprised by the desire to design a pattern and am still in awe each time a pattern comes out of my brain and is enjoyed by knitters around the world.

I love the knitting community and all the people I have met along this journey. Thank you for being part of this adventure!

original designs

A Dishcloth
Dog Mom Knits Designs
"It's Fall, Y'all" Socks
Dog Mom Knits Designs
Seashells on the Seashore Socks
Dog Mom Knits Designs
Bumps in the Road Socks
Dog Mom Knits Designs
Road Trip Socks
Dog Mom Knits Designs
Texture view on 56 stitches