Anna Kuduja

Anna Kuduja

Kuduja means “knitter” in Estonian. I learned to knit and to crochet as a schoolgirl. After a long pause I went to a yarn shop (my daughter needed yarn for her knitting lesson at school) and became interested. Compared to the time of my Soviet childhood, how many fascinating yarns have become available!
My new book on seamless knitting in Estonian and English can be purchased here or here.
I regularly publish in the Estonian crafts magazine Käsitöö (Handicraft). In 2014 and 2015 I took part in Tallinn Fashion Week. You can see the knits here and here. I have also collaborated with aspiring Estonian fashion designers, for instance, in 2018 withKristel Kuslapuu. I regularly teach courses in seamless knitting and also in shawl construction in Estonia, Finland and Lithuania.
image title
I approach knitting as an engineer/architect. In most cases, the departure point for me is a construction. Then I think about an appropriate yarn. A stitch pattern comes later (unless I have a particular stitch pattern in mind). I opt for seamless knitting. I like minimalism but also like lace patterns. The secret is not to overdo it.

I have my group Anna Kuduja knitting design here.
Please feel free to write there. It is a place where I run tests and KALs.

Me on Facebook
Me on Pinterest
My Instagram

An interview with me on Robin Hunter’s blog here.

original designs

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Asymmetrical variegated shawl
Käsitöö Sügis 2016
Two colours mesh scarf
Käsitöö Sügis 2016
Cotton top
Käsitöö Suvi 2016
Käsityö Kesä 2015
Käsitöö Suvi 2015
  • Valge
  • Käsitöö Suvi 2015
Black and Black
Käsitöö Kevad 2015
Linen kimono top
Kasitöö Sügis 2014
Kasitöö Suvi 2014
Diamond-patterned jacket
Käsitöö Kevad 2014
Classic Green
Käsitöö Kevad 2014
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