Christine Blair

Christine Blair

image title

4/20/2010 :: I won the 2010 CLF Flamie for Best Crochet Video by an Amateur. Here it is: Chainless Starting DC

2010 Flamie
Chainless starting dc stitch - updated

I’m a threadie. I love to crochet with thread. The thinner the better!!! I figure I should do as much as I can while I still have my eyesight. I love using two strands of sewing thread held together. The texture of the finished project is sublime! Why two strands? I tried one, and it is way too thin and hard to get the hook where it needs to go (I don’t have hooks smaller than US14 0.60 mm?). Another plus is that sewing thread is way cheaper than crochet thread.

Since 2005, I have tried to make at least one entry to the State Fair of Texas Creative Arts Competition. Each year, my work has been chosen for exhibition. I’m hooked, & can’t stop. Even though I find myself blocking through the night before the final deadline, I will enter again.

original designs

BLOwn Eggs
A Stitch Less Ordinary
Yarn Over Easy Eggs
A Stitch Less Ordinary
AAron Hat
A Stitch Less Ordinary
Caprice Scarflette
A Stitch Less Ordinary
Cute as a Button
A Stitch Less Ordinary
Aloha Lei
A Stitch Less Ordinary
German Rib in the Round
A Stitch Less Ordinary
Four Tiny Snowflakes
A Stitch Less Ordinary