Jeny Staiman

Jeny Staiman

Yes, I am “that Jeny” from JSSBO. I love to tinker and solve problems, and I am fascinated by all the different ways that people think and learn. I challenge conventions. Not because it’s fun (although it is), but because existing knitting conventions don’t serve me well. Standard row by row instructions read to my brain like noise. I’m not dyslexic; I can comprehend the words and abbreviations just fine. But they are, for me, an obstacle to visualizing my path forward. And that makes my knitting experience much less fun.

Standards and conventions are important because they are a shared language. But their existence need not stop us from seeking other ways to do things. For me, coming up with my own formats is not a rejection of conventions, it is a form of self-advocacy. I generate and express my designs in my native visual language, the one I speak fluently. The one I dream in. To accommodate others I also provide the standard format, even though that language does not come naturally to me.

Not everyone thinks like me, and that’s ok. In fact, it’s awesome. The patterns I write are my offerings to the fiber community. They are my labors of love. My formats are not necessarily better, they are simply different. Like me. And maybe like you. ❤️

original designs

The Curious Knitter
The Curious Knitter
Hyperion (from the toe)
Hyperion Up & Down
Hyperion (from the top)
Hyperion Up & Down
The Curious Knitter
The Curious Knitter
Polar Arc (Top Down)
The Curious Knitter
The Curious Knitter
The Curious Knitter
The Curious Knitter
Polar Arc (Toe Up)
The Curious Knitter
Rosetta Stone
The Curious Knitter
Soliton Wave
Anzula Print Patterns
Madeline Tosh
“Road Less Traveled” vaycay colorway
Spot On
Knitty, Deep Fall 2021
Knitty, Winter 2020
Knitty, Deep Fall 2020
Vanishing Point
New Directions in Sock Knitting
Oscillating Lace Moebius
Dreaming of Shetland
Knitty, Winter 2013
The Curious Knitter
Helix Herringbone Hat
The Curious Knitter
Three-Point Socks
Beyond Toes: Knitting Adventures with Judy's Magic Cast-On
The Curious Knitter
Double Heelix
Knitty, First Fall 2011
Interlock Bindoff
Knitty, Spring + Summer 2011
Felted Duck Slippers
The Curious Knitter
Blue-Footed Booby
The Curious Knitter
Knitty, Spring + Summer 2010
  • Duck
  • Knitty, Spring + Summer 2010

designs from Jeny Staiman and Brenda Dayne

River Severn
Knitty, Winter 2021