Paige C. Pearson

Paige C. Pearson

I am a hobby designer that works primarily creates stuffed animals and dice bags. I am currently working on a line of small stuffies called Bun Babies. Please check out my website or tiktok for updates on what I am creating next.

ANNOUNCEMENT: During my move overseas I have temporarily shut down my shop until I can legally verify I am allowed to sell patterns again. I’m hoping to be back up in a month but we’ll see how it goes.

original designs

Imber Dice Bag
Peiko Peiko
Evershen Dice Bag
Peiko Peiko
Bun Baby - Octopus
Peiko Peiko
Bun Baby - Pig
Peiko Peiko
Bun Baby - Rabbit
Peiko Peiko
Bun Baby - Bee
Peiko Peiko
Bun Baby - Koala
Peiko Peiko
Bun Baby - Whale
Peiko Peiko
Bun Baby - Sheep
Peiko Peiko
Baozi Baby - Cat
Peiko Peiko
Bun Baby - Bear
Peiko Peiko