Aztec Maze Hat by Kelli Small

Aztec Maze Hat

January 2018
Two Arrows Yarn Avalon
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
20 stitches and 36 rows = 4 inches
in Mosaic Stockinette
US 5 - 3.75 mm
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 7 - 4.5 mm
140 - 160 yards (128 - 146 m)
Adult Medium and Large
This pattern is available for $4.50 USD buy it now

Add both Aztec Maze Hat and Cowl to your cart with coupon code AZTECMAZE for a total of $6 (savings of $3)!!!

Looking for a color-work hat without all the hassle of fair-isle? Mosaic knitting is the answer! This hat features a simple mosaic motif that takes the struggle out of colorwork. Only one color is worked at a time; simply switch colors every two rows and carry them up the inside of the piece! Slip and knit stitches and watch the design come to life!

Skill Level: Adventurous Beginner, Intermediate (requires knowledge of knitting in the round, slipping stitches, K1tbl, K2tog and SSK).

Materials Needed:

Two contrasting colors worsted weight yarn. Max 55 grams in main color and 25 grams in secondary color. Example is knit using Malabrigo Rios in colorways: Glitter and Sunset
US size M: 5(6) / 3.75(4mm) // L: 6(7) / 4(4.5mm) 16 in. (40cm) circular needles or DPNs as well as a 32in.(80cm) or longer circular in US size 6 (7) if you choose to use magic loop method while decreasing.
8 stitch markers (one in a contrasting color for beginning of round)
Tapestry needle

This hat is designed to fit with slouch in it. Both sizes are unisex though I have found the medium to fit most women and the large to fit most men the best.

Due to the slouchy nature of the hat, gauge is not as important. The ribbed brim allows for much forgiveness in size range.

Blocking greatly improves the fit and quality of this hat!