Color Accent Ribbed Cowl by Oak Designs MI

Color Accent Ribbed Cowl

January 2019
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
12 stitches and 16 rows = 2 inches
in K2, P2 Ribbing
US 7 - 4.5 mm
200 - 250 yards (183 - 229 m)
One size
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

This is a pattern for a 2x2 ribbed cowl with color accents. Use any color combination to make a unique version of the cowl. Knit up in worsted weight yarn, this is a quick knit and the finished product goes with almost any outfit.

The cowl takes almost one whole skein of Shepherd’s Wool (~250 yards) as main color. The color accents only need a ~25 yard remnant. You will need a 24” circular needle, US size 7 for this pattern.