Dotty by Karolina Ammar


May 2023
Liloppi Liv
DK (11 wpi) ?
US 9 - 5.5 mm
656 - 1094 yards (600 - 1000 m)
English Polish
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

I love playing with colours and I wanted to create a pattern that would allow this and at the same time be beginner friendly
And here it is, DOTTY- extremely simple yet striking, allowing you to play with colour, with aesthetically pleasing i-cord edges, and no need to cut (and horror of horrors, then hide) threads Yes! You work on two colours at the same time by running the unused thread up.
Dotty is a repeatable pattern, you can finish it at any time, so there’s no need to worry about not having enough thread for the next motif .
According to the testers, after just a few rows you don’t even need to look at the description or diagram, so this is a “tv serial” pattern .
In the file you will find a verbal description as well as charts for both the side shawl version and the base rectangle, which you can use to make a scarf, blanket…or whatever comes to your mind .
This time there will be 2 files - one in Polish and one in English which should be clearer
Technical data
Yarn: Colour A- Drops Cotton light 392m Colour B- Liloppi Liv 258m Needles: 5.5 mm
Size after blocking: 160x85 cm