Faded Fingering Cowl by Ingrid Saxon

Faded Fingering Cowl

October 2018
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
23 stitches and 30 rows = 4 inches
in St st
US 6 - 4.0 mm
200 - 250 yards (183 - 229 m)
one size
This pattern is available for $6.00 USD buy it now

Whether using left over yarn or wanting to put some minis to use this cozy fitted cowl is the perfect project! It is mindless enough to take to knit night or watch a show but keeps your interest in changing colors and fading.

This cowl is knit in a tube and therefore size is easily customizable! CO more stitches if you want it taller and knit longer, mix more colors, if you want to be able to double it up. Please note that doing either of these options will change the amount of yarn needed.

Gauge is measured in the round and after blocking.

The cowl starts with a provisional cast on and finishes with the Kitchener for grafting the two live ends together. Depending on what provisional method you use, you will need a crochet hook. And, you will need a spare size 6, 16” needle for grafting.