Fishy Fish Tank Scrubbie by Louise Sarrazin

Fishy Fish Tank Scrubbie

December 2013
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
US 10 - 6.0 mm
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

Many thanks to Brooke, who designed the original Fishy Fish Washcloth, and gave me permission to ‘lift’ her design for my version.

The idea for a fish tank scrubbie came to me when a son-in-law ‘borrowed’ a scrubbie that I’d made for my daughter for doing dishes. He said that the scrubbie got the scum off ‘like butter’. Of course my daughter was not pleased that he’d used her scrubbie, so I thought I’d make him a special one for the job for Christmas.

For tips on cutting and working with the netting: