Framed in Lace by Lorraine Rayson

Framed in Lace

Fingering (14 wpi) ?
36 stitches and 40 rows = 4 inches
US 1 - 2.25 mm
328 - 492 yards (300 - 450 m)
Small (64 sts), Medium (72 sts), Large (80 sts)
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

This pattern came about after seeing some stunning lace a friend was crocheting and it reminded me of a gorgeous cross stitch I had worked and gifted many moons ago.

From an old, out of focus, photo of the cross stitch, I incorporated elements of the cross stitch into the design of these socks.

The socks have the appearance of having a lace border around a central fabric panel, reminiscent of an elegant lace table or sideboard runner.

These socks are knit toe up with a heel flap and gusset.

The instructions for the construction of the socks are written and the colour work pattern is charted.

Thanks to sirts75, Sirialso, SNSSO, Restlessinvienna, yalta and other testers for their wonderful feedback and input.
A huge thanks also to Condichick, yarnymama and SNSSO for their ongoing valued advice, guidance, feedback and encouragement.