Greenock Cabled Scarf by Linda Lehman

Greenock Cabled Scarf

Sport (12 wpi) ?
6 stitches = 1 inch
in stockinette
US 4 - 3.5 mm
600 - 700 yards (549 - 640 m)
8 1/2 inches X 72 inches
This pattern is available for $6.75 USD
buy it now or visit pattern website

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If you need a fast and fairly easy holiday gift, this may be the pattern for you. It’s like Coatbridge’s younger sister.

If you love knitting Japanese cables, you’ll love knitting this scarf. The scarf combines a very distinct cable with a twisted stitch, known as the rick rack stitch. Although the scarf is knitted with sport weight yarn, requiring between 600 and 800 yards, the turtleneck section will keep you warm even on the coldest of day. It is knit on a size #4 (U.S.) needle.

The stitches are both charted and written out.

Skill Level: Beginner + - Intermediate (assuming a working knowledge of cabling and twisting stitches.)

There are also instructions for an optional crocheted border, should you want it edged.

The scarf was expertly test knitted by Leslie Shattes who can be reached at: It was knit with Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sport in colorway, Fjord.

The pattern is for sale at:
(in the Eclectic Scarf Pattern Section) and
right here on Ravelry: