JCK Leg Warmers by The Yarn Bard

JCK Leg Warmers

February 2012
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
27 stitches = 4 inches
in Stockinette Stitch
440 - 660 yards (402 - 604 m)
child through adult
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

These leg warmers are snug; if you wish a looser fit, go up a size or two. It is meant to be tried on as you knit to achieve a perfect fit. The half-garter cable pattern gives it a fun twist!

See YouTube for specific cast on and bind off video instructions.

Also see JCK Wrist Warmers for a matching set!

Calf Sizes (measure at widest part)
(A-9-12”; B-13-16”; C-17-20”; D-21-24”)

Equipment and Supplies:
(100; 100; 150; 150) grams sock-weight yarn
Straight, double-pointed, or two sets circular needles
Tapestry needle

Gauge on size US #5 needles
27 sts = 4” (row gauge does not matter)