Marina's Gloves by Stacie Mann

Marina's Gloves

February 2011
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 0 - 2.0 mm
US 1 - 2.25 mm
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
693 yards (634 m)
Fits average adult woman
This pattern is available from for $1.99.

From the Knit Picks Website:

Knit in three heathered colors of Knit Picks Palette fingering weight yarn, these elegant gloves have an old fashioned appeal. Imagine Anne of Green Gables trekking across the snowy fields to visit her best friend, Diana. You’ll feel just a little more special wearing these to work, or simply going on weekend errands. The small gauge keeps winter winds at bay and shows off the delicate patterning. A comfortably fitted wrist makes these gloves fit nicely under a coat sleeve and keeps out errant breezes.

Size 0 (2mm): DPNs
Size 1 (2.50mm): DPNs

Please Note: This pattern has errata - if you purchased it before 01/03/2011. The corrected version is available in your Knit Picks pattern library.

See also:
Marina’s Hat & Scarf Set (Hat)
Marina’s Hat & Scarf Set (Scarf)