Mini Cooper by Ginny Sturdy

Mini Cooper

July 2014
DK (11 wpi) ?
US 3 - 3.25 mm
US 1 - 2.25 mm
Flag of English English
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The Mini really is an classic and much loved car. I have tried to be as accurate in my design as possible. The wool I have used is Patons Diploma DK, although other doubleknit wools would work.

The main body of the car is knitted in just three sections. Then there are wheels and wheel arches to sew on, as well as the headlamps, bumpers and numberplates. So there is a bit of work, but you will end up with your own British icon. The pattern contains three colourcharts.

I think the final results are worth it. If you don’t want to knit the Union Jack roof, then you can do a plain roof version.