Norwegian Boatneck by Donna Druchunas

Norwegian Boatneck

This pattern is available in print for $21.95.

From Web Site: “Do you ever get tired of blindly following patterns? Ever wish you could design your own sweaters from scratch? Ever want to learn about knitting techniques from around the world? If you’ve answered “Yes!” to any of these questions, then Ethnic Knitting Discovery is for you.

“What’s it about? Designing your own sweaters using techniques from Denmark, The Netherlands, Norway, and The Andes.

“Beginning with four simple, skill-building projects and eight master patterns for drop-shoulder pullover sweaters, learn how to:

* knit in the round understand charts
* center patterns
* manage repeats
* use texture patterns
* start with welts
* shape half-gussets
* design with color patterns
* handle multiple colors
* stitch-and-cut armholes & necklines
* knit in the Andean style
* have fun with puntas
* tackle steeks

“Choose from three different styles of worksheets-quick notes, a visual plan, or detailed guidelines:

1) For adventurous and advanced knitters, I have a schematic where you can fill in your measurements and stitch counts as you go.

2) For those who want more details, I have a spreadsheet to help you do all of the calculations you’ll need for your project.

3) For those who have never designed a sweater, or who want a little more hand-holding, I have step-by-step instructions for working up each project (with your numbers).“

The worksheets allow you to design the sweater yourself with any gauge yarn for any set of measurements so you have the perfect fit you want when you are done.