Round Scrappy Rug by Erin Reiko.

Round Scrappy Rug

February 2024
yarn held together
+ DK
+ DK
= Bulky (7 wpi) ?
6.5 mm (K)
1000 - 1700 yards (914 - 1554 m)
Choose Your Own Size
This pattern is available for $4.00 USD buy it now

The Round Scrappy Rug is a staple piece for any home. With its beginner- friendly construction and rounded shape, anyone can create this home decor project and reduce their scrap yarn pile.

This rug is customizable and can be crocheted with as few or as many rows as your heart desires - decide between a small rug for your bathroom/kitchen, or create a masterpiece for your living room!

Construction - Rug is created using a magic circle, with additional rows added in the round. Work is joined at the end of every row with a slip stitch.

This rug is also crocheted by triple stranding (3 strands) of #3 DK weight yarn. The overall yarn weight comes out to be around #6 Bulky weight. If you choose to use different brands of DK weight yarn from your scrap pile, make sure to match yarn thickness as closely as possible.

Skills Required:

  • magic circle
  • crochet in the round
  • joining new colors

Skill Level : Absolute Beginners