Vrovo Freubel by Feathers and dragons

Vrovo Freubel

October 2018
Any gauge - designed for any gauge ?
Gauge is not important for this pattern
16 - 27 yards (15 - 25 m)
The size of this bird all depends on the yarn you choose.
Dutch English
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

I made the pattern of the bird Vrovo Freubel as my contribution to the project “Elk vogeltje zingt zoals het gebekt is” - which means every bird sings in its own way. Recently I came into contact with two persons who organize this project. This project is the following up of “the largest crocheted blanket”. Now the longest line of birds will be made: crocheted birds, knitted birds, embroidered birds, quilted birds, etc. All the birds will gather at the Textile Festival Weerribben, in June 2019.

This project is about connection (from heart to heart), warmth, strength (working together), color (show the world who you are) and diversity (everyone is important). So I am happy to become part of this project. You can use my bird pattern as a basic pattern to make your own bird, which you can embellish in your own way. If you want to join the longest line of birds with your bird you can send it to: De Creazy Ladies, de Hare 10, 8375 GC Oldemarkt, the Netherlands. The bird should then become a loop for hanging.

This bird can be very small if you use a lightweight yarn.
My small bird, is about 7 cm high, but yours can be smaller if you choose to make the bird with thread. My larger bird is also only 9 cm tall (10 with the tuft) - I used a worsted weight cotton for this one.