July 22, 2022
March 5, 2023


Project info
Flax worsted by tincanknits
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
18 stitches and 22 rows = 4 inches
Stonehedge Fiber Mill Shepherd's Wool Worsted
48 yards in stash
2.81 skeins = 702.5 yards (642.4 meters), 317 grams
Copper Centaur Studios in Anderson, Indiana
January 5, 2022

3/2/23: Used smaller needles for the arms, whoops. 9 rows and the bondoff for the cuff.

2/24/23: Started reknitting the arms one at a time. Being very careful to read directions slowly.

10/5: Blocking the arms with a couple big cardboard tubes, will definitely be redoing them once Rhinebeck is done.

09/25: Something went funny with the arm decreases; may rip and redo after actual Rhinebeck, but for the moment fuck it I’m done and they’ll block enough to fit.

08/23: Second skein done; even accounting for growth in length fter blocking, I’m going to knit a few more inches before I do the ribbing.

08/01: Yoke increases finished: 44, 69, 49, 72, which is only two stitches short but sections are way off. Goal was 47, 71, 47, 71. Will adjust that as I knit straight for the next 4 rows.

07/24: Increase 22 stitches across 86 stitches, which means one every four… ish stitches.

Neckband: 9 rows

22 rows x 18 stitches for 4”.

07/23: Unblocked, 28 rows x 18 stitches for 4”.

07/22: Doing a swatch in the fake round like a responsible adult.

viewed 41 times
July 22, 2022
March 5, 2023
About this pattern
29056 projects, in 11613 queues
morgi's overall rating
morgi's clarity rating
morgi's difficulty rating
morgi's adjectives for this pattern
  1. Straightforward
  2. Clear
  3. Beginner-friendly
About this yarn
by Stonehedge Fiber Mill
100% Merino
250 yards / 113 grams

23417 projects

stashed 15187 times

morgi's star rating
morgi's adjectives for this yarn
  1. Soft
  2. Squishy
  3. Feltable
  • Originally queued: January 4, 2022
  • Project created: July 22, 2022
  • Updated: March 5, 2023
  • Progress updates: 8 updates