Anna-Lena Thiel

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Beanie, Toque
This was made for a friend of mine who unfortunately spends a lot of her time in hospital. She needed something to cheer her up and a silly hat just seemed to fit the bill.
Knitting: Hair accessories
I love bows/bow ties and I have long hair (admittedly I even am somewhat vain about my hair) – so what could be better than make bow-y things for my hair?!
Knitting: Electronics Cozy
I wanted to have an e-reader for quite some time. Finally I chose the Kindle Paperweight (review in my blog – spoilers: I like it a lot!) and was over joyed when it arrived.
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
A friend of mine saw a similar had walk past us and she liked the simplicity of the pattern so much that she asked me to knit her a similar one.
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
I lusted after a tiara for quite some time now, but let’s be honest where should I wear it?! To university?