Lazy Pi Yarn

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Fingerless Gloves
This is a very simple pattern designed to showcase a center-increasing gusset. Please feel free to use this gusset increase in your own patterns. I would appreciate a callback if you use it in a commercial pattern, of course!
Knitting: Market bag (slouchy)
This easy market bag is a good size for groceries without being bulky itself. The bigger gauge and eyelets let it be nice and stretchy, but using a linen blend yarn makes it quite strong as well. You can use almost any DK or sport weight yarn, however! It’s a very flexible, forgiving pattern and uses only a few kinds of stitches. Enjoy!
Knitting: Kerchief
This easy, very flexible kerchief is designed to be an easy knit that is still interesting enough to hold an experienced knitter’s attention. It is intended for self-striping sock yarn, but any sock yarn would be suitable. It starts from the tip and works towards the brow band, so you can stop as soon as it is the right size for a head kerchief...
Knitting: Bracelet
This pattern was developed to be part of The Butterfly Project, a movement for raising awareness of depression and self-harm. MamaSheri Halliday suggested that individuals suffering from depression could draw a butterfly on their wrist instead of cutting, as an affirmation that they would NOT hurt themselves, and to promote self-healing. I foun...