D G "Mouse" Laity

D G "Mouse" Laity

29 Mar 2021 13:04 local time


It is with a heavy heart that I am moving all MrsMouse activities away from ravelry with immediate effect.

There are two reasons for doing this:

  • The forthcoming inaccessible changes to ravelry of 1 Apr 2021.
  • Ongoing (and we have learnt unresolvable) VAT issues with Ravelry

The forthcoming inaccessible changes to ravelry of 1 Apr 2021.

Ravelry have made it very clear throughout the process of moving to the new, largely inaccessible layout (completely inaccessible for people like me), that in actual fact, they never had any intentions of doing better for disabled users to access ravelry equally.

They availed of the equivalent of hundreds of hours of consultation work which disabled users volunteered happily as we genuinely loved the platform and wanted to see the space remain viable for our community to still participate.

However, it has been made VERY clear to those of us affected, that this was purely performative and that ravelry never had any intention to actually properly entertain either returning to classic ravelry, or to an accessible new format.

They’ve had the value of our continued business throughout the ‘consultation’ & ‘transition’ period, but have abandoned us in the end.

Ongoing (and we have learnt unresolvable) VAT issues with Ravelry

I have recently discovered that despite having given Ravelry a copy of my VAT exemption, Ravelry has continued charging VAT on pattern sales.

This has resulted in me having to do a massive amount of additional paperwork with the local revenue (including taking the time of specialised disability support staff down there, even though I’d already worked with them & with ravelry when the VAT changes originally happened, to take mitigating action that should have prevented this).

I reached out to Ravelry for help, but the conclusion is that there is no way for them to resolve this issue. I am still unclear on the entirety of the reason/s for this, but am confident that there will be no meaningful, accessible support from Ravelry at this time.


MrsMouse has been my business since 2008 & remains one of my proudest achievements.
The shop continues via facebook, my website (though it’s currently down for some work on it), and my digital catalogue, which can be requested by email.

As at today, I just am not certain what the patterns sales side of the business will look like quite yet, but if at any time you want support, just shout me and I will help as soon as I am able.

Anybody who has a coupon code from me that they haven’t had a chance to use yet, I will be honouring those. Just drop me a message and let me know which coupon you have and which pattern you would like, and I will sort it out for you.

Longer term, I hope to be able to offer the patterns through the web page (which is currently down for maintenance and revivifying), and in the meantime, they will be offered through TransferWise/PayPal. Please contact me at the facebook page in the first instance for help with this:

All pattern support will also move to the facebook page in the first instance, or via email at: mrsmousecraftsandgifts@gmail.com
If you require ‘phone or videocall support, please message the facebook page and we will arrange it.

Thank you once again to all my wonderful customers who have supported me across 13 years so far.
It means the world!

Hope to ‘see’ you all soon in cyberspace, either on the facebook page:
or on Instagram: @dglaity1 or: https://www.instagram.com/dglaity1/

Much love


Actor, Expressive & Performance Artist, and Technician, Mouse can never keep her hands still. A product of many generations of knitters and crafters, both male and female, she knits, crochets, stitches, and generally creates constantly.

She has been lucky enough to have items of her work featured in many stores, exhibitions, theatre, TV and film projects, which allow her to revel in the challenge of creating unique and purpose-specific pieces, while a new area of growth for her is real-world and online lessons in needlecrafts and design, which allow her to utilise her C&G7307 Teaching Certificate, to help keep the culture of these wonderful crafts alive in as many people as possible.

Mouse lives in the Midlands of Ireland with her husband (raveler Titof), four cats, two fish, seven rescue hens (all named in honour of comedians & known as the #HeroesOfComedyFlock across social media), and her wonderful Assistance Dog, Emma.

Many of her patterns are sold as fundraisers for Dogs for the Disabled Ireland who provided Emma and do amazing work on a daily basis while surviving solely on donations. You can learn more about this fantastic charity at:

Web: http://www.dogsfordisabled.ie/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IrishDogsForDisabled?ref=ts&...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DogsforDisable1

As of 17th November 2015, I operate a loyalty scheme to thank all my customers here on ravelry.
If you have spent €25 or more with me, you can use the coupon code: Loyalty Program (capitalisation specific) for €5 off your next purchase.

We now have a MrsMouse page on Ravelry at: http://www.ravelry.com/groups/mrsmouse-crafts--gifts

original designs

Penguin Pals
Duck Soup
Gift Tag 3
Wide Gift Tag
Gift Tag 1