Finn Garian

Finn Garian

My mom and grandma were both avid knitters and crocheters, and they tried to teach me when I was a kid. I caught on to crocheting quickly but I just couldn’t get the hang of knitting. They tried many times! Finally, when I was pregnant with my daughter in 2006, it “clicked” and I’ve been “hooked” (PUN intended!) ever since! I seem to be knitting constantly and I find it very relaxing and very useful at the same time.

I’m a full time mom, I still have my RN license but taking care of my children is my job now! My husband and I have been married since 2002. I am a former Yooper (Michiganders will know what that is!), and very homesick! I like all kinds of things but knitting is fitting in well with caring for small children.

original designs

Trio of Baby Hats
FinnGarian Knits
Splash of Cranberry
FinnGarian Knits
Fingerless Mittens
FinnGarian Knits
Big Squishy Bed Socks
FinnGarian Knits