Lily Go

Lily Go

I live on a tropical island called Penang which is one of the states in a country called Malaysia. I knew how to crochet since I was 6 and taught myself to knit in 2006. I began designing in 2007. I just love the process of designing, from the imagining of the design to the drawing and even the math part of it. I love to wear something pretty and feminine and it is reflected in all of my designs. I have 2 small daughters that need a lot of attention besides my full time job, so I am happy enough if I can publish 3 patterns a year. My patterns can be found on my blog, etsy and Ravelry.

My husband recently hand-dyed yarns for me. If you interested to buy, you can find it in here. It is called Rendezvous Yarn.

I don’t have my own group in Ravelry yet, but there is a thread in Crochet Small Talk Group for an ongoing discussion of my designs.
ETA: I formed my own group here. Please join me!

If you are like my pattern and wish to get notification when I published new pattern, you are welcome to join my mailing list here.

Instagram: lilygodesign

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