Makayla Yager

Makayla Yager

Yo! So I’m Makayla and I do lots of random things such as play with my hedgehogs, spend way to many hours playing Pokémon, become completely obsessed with books until I’ve read them all the way through within no more than 3 days, immerse myself in so many fandoms I lost count a long long time ago, crochet (which if you haven’t noticed that’s why your here.. at least that’s what I’d assume), and just be all around unsocial! Not socially awkward just unsocial.. there is a difference!

Anywho my hopes and dreams for the future are that hugs become illegal (nasty things hugsises.. horrible attempt at a LOTR joke.. sorry not sorry), have an Etsy shop that people actually notice (probably my fault since I only have three things on there), and if I’m really lucky I’ll get the nerve to start a YouTube channel and be cool or at least be able to geek out and someone will actually enjoy it!

original designs

Pony Blanket
Shakespeare Cowl
Chunky Owlet
Valentine Bear
Felted Bowl