Reformed Urbanist Society

Reformed Urbanist Society

I work in web development and business consulting, and took up knitting to force some balance into my life. It’s become its own little addiction.

I like to design things for myself, and have started putting patterns together for others based on what I do for me. A tentative step into the world of designing! :)

Feedback on the patterns, their format, the results, et cetera are all very welcome!

EU buyers, please contact me directly through Ravelry.

original designs

KPL Instarsia Scarf
Reformed Urbanist Society's Ravelry Store
KPL Intarsia Blocks
Reformed Urbanist Society's Ravelry Store
Mosaic Ladybugs
Reformed Urbanist Society
Ridged Leaf Cowl
Reformed Urbanist Society
Eric's Frog Hat
Reformed Urbanist Society