String Theory 2.0

String Theory 2.0

My grandmother taught me to knit when I was 4 (probably as a way of keeping me quiet, poor woman) and I remember spending hours making horrible, bright red, acrylic place mats on these humongous wooden needles the dog had chewed - they were full of holes and splinters. Come to think of it, I’m not sure why I didn’t give up then and there. I like to knit and dye and spin. I do my own designing and rarely follow patterns as written (my mom says for me “a pattern is just a good excuse for an argument”). I fear I’m kind of one of those kill joy types at group knitting events who’s way more into the knitting part than the social part.
I was born and raised in New England and currently my family lives in the South. We hope to fix this eventually.
Update 2016 - we fixed it! Back in New England.

original designs

Pisces Chart
String Theory 2.0
Detroit lion graph
String Theory 2.0
Lotus Flower Gloves
String Theory 2.0
Snowflake Wristers
String Theory 2.0
Olympian Pullover
String Theory 2.0
DIY Mittens
String Theory 2.0
Dragon Mittens
String Theory 2.0
Lined Mittens
String Theory 2.0
Daisy Mittens
String Theory 2.0
Linen Stitch Pullover
String Theory 2.0
Flower Mittens
String Theory 2.0