taffylass knits
56 items
9 items
17 items
20 items
59 items
10 items
37 items
38 items
55 items
59 items

Anything around the house or home

13 items
12 items
16 items
4 items
6 items
3 items
5 items
20 items

Cosies can come in all types, here are a few

Little hats for a good cause.

4 items
7 items
1 items
2 items
10 items

Tiny dolls patterns

8 items

Using anything suitable that is recycled to make knitting projects.

Accessories to keep your handbag organised

5 items
5 items

Knits for men

2 items
3 items
3 items
5 items
13 items
1 items