Highlands Fibre Fling

Highlands Fibre Fling

August 17 - 19, 2012
  • Indigodragonfly Studio
  • Barry Line & Kennisis Lake Rd.
  • West Guilford, Ontario
  • Canada

The Highland Fibre Fling is Indigodragonfly’s annual studio Open House. This year we’ve expanded the program to include some activities for those who want to spend the weekend in Haliburton!

NOTE: the map graphic shown on this page is not accurate for most people (for me, it’s showing that we live in Alabama. We don’t!)so please use the map link below AND the written directions linked below.

Map (most GPS units will not work in Haliburton County, and place our studio in the middle of a wolf reserve! Please use this map for best results)


Schedule --

Friday August 17:
1-4 pm – workshops! (Dyeing 101 or Knitting Technique workshop – registration begins June 28)
7 pm – Social Knit Night (at the Art Hive Gallery)

Saturday August 18: MAIN EVENT
10 am-4pm - OPEN HOUSE! Spend the day at our studio. Meet other Indigodragonfly knitters. BBQ. Dyeing demos. And of course, lots of yarn available for sale

Sunday August 19:
10 am -1 pm - workshops! (Dyeing 101 or Knitting Technique workshop - registration begins June 28)

Dyeing 101
In this 3 hour workshop, learn how to dye protein fibre based yarn in the colour (colours) of your choice! You will choose from some of our most popular bases, learn how to mix colours and go home with your very own hand dyed yarn.

Workshop fee: $60
Yarn not included. We will have yarn available for purchase at reduced rates, or you’re welcome to bring your own.

To register or for further information, email:

Oh So Quiet
A project class with Meghan Jackson

Meghan will take you through making her Oh So Quiet pattern from her Alt Shawl Collection.

Workshop fee: $50
A materials/tools list will be provided prior to class. Yarn for this project is not included, but various suitable bases will be for sale before/during class.

Haliburton County has many options for accomodation, from camping sites to B&B’s to rental cottages (excellent option if you’re travelling with a group!) and resorts.

Full list of available options

Cottage Rental Agency

Our studio is 5 minutes from West Guilford, 15 minutes from the Village of Haliburton (Dysart), 15 minutes from Carnarvon and 30 minutes from Minden.

Contact: orders AT (NOT .com)

get directions
  • Page created: June 14, 2012
  • Last updated: July 21, 2012