#0071 Green jacket by stickatillbarbie.se

#0071 Green jacket

April 2006
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 0 - 2.0 mm
Fits female 11½ inch fashion doll
Danish Dutch English French German Swedish ...and 6 other languages show hide other languages
This pattern is available for free.

Mercerised cotton or Løve Bomuld in green.

Doll clothing
Doll wears a one-piece jacket in stocking stitch - other clothing items worn are a hat (#A41)/given as pattern 101 and a striped dress (#0070).

Grön jacka och hatt

Title updated to remove hat from pattern name.

American English translation by Ariella.

Look for the pattern number at the archived site.
The website is in English & Swedish, but patterns are available in several languages.

On the archived website the patterns are listed on the left, by number and grouped on pages of about 50 patterns.
Fashion doll patterns are numbered in groups from 1 to 1139.
Accessories like hats, scarves or bags are listed in the accessory section, in groups from A1 to A64.
Bratz doll patterns are numbered in groups from 1 to 273.
Click on numbers to open a page, look for the numbered image, then for the link to the desired language below it (clicking on the image will only enlarge the picture of the item).

Most patterns are in Microsoft Office Word format (.doc).