16 Original Baseball Team Logos by Allyson Dykhuizen

16 Original Baseball Team Logos

February 2013
Flag of English English
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

Add an original baseball team logo to your Vintage Inspired Baseball Knit! These charts can be worked into the body of your sweater, or added with duplicate stitch after, which is what I did.

This free download includes charts for the logos of the original 16 baseball teams:

Boston Braves
Brooklyn Dodgers
St Louis Browns
Boston Red Sox
Chicago Cubs
Chicago White Sox
Cincinnati Reds
Cleveland Indians
Detroit Tigers
Washington Senators
New York Yankees
Philadelphia Athletics
Philadelphia Phillies
Pittsburgh Pirates
New York Giants
St Louis Cardinals

These logos are based on the version of the original logo each team used the longest.

Logos are between 19 - 30 sts wide. If you are working The Georgia Peach sizes 28 and 32 or Trolley Dodger size 28, logos extend under the arm a few stitches for the wider logos.