3 Mini Wizard's Owls by On a Whim by Lynn

3 Mini Wizard's Owls

March 2019
2.75 mm (C)
This pattern is available from etsy.com for $6.00.

Bringing mail and treats and acting as loyal companions, no one can deny these owls are absolutely adorable! You’ll receive 3 patterns with lots of photos for the Snowy Owl, Scops Owl and Eagle-Owl.

These tiny little owls measure between 2 and 2½” tall. Gauge is not important to this pattern. Size will vary depending on the size of your chosen yarn and hook.

These patterns are written for advanced beginner crocheters and beyond. The advanced beginner is familiar with making amigurumi and understands basic amigurumi crochet terminology and stitches as well as how to sew pieces together, finish off, hide ends, etc. In addition, this pattern calls for stitches such as the sl st, sc, hdc and dc. If you are not familiar with all the terms used in this pattern, there are a multitude of tutorials on You Tube that can help. Also feel free to email me with any questions. I’ll be glad to help in any way I can.