317. Lady's Knitted Purse by Isabella Beeton

317. Lady's Knitted Purse

Purse Silk
Out of print. This pattern was available for free.

The pattern does not give yarn or bead quantities, needle size or gauge.

“2 skeins of black purse silk; 2 skeins of scarlet ditto; black jet beads; a steel clasp with chain; a tassel of black beads; 5 steel knitting-needles.”

You need about 1272 beads to go on the red silk and 96 beads to go on the black silk.

This pattern also available at: http://beetonsbookofneedlework.com/page_309.htm#image_317

The entire book is also available as PDF-format on http://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org/html/warm/catalog.htm#AUTH_B.