325. Knitted Bodice Without Sleeves by Isabella Beeton

325. Knitted Bodice Without Sleeves

Out of print. This pattern was available for free.

Please Note that this is a vintage pattern from the 1800’s and therefore not written in modern day terms.

Materials: 4 ounces black, 3-1/2 ounces purple fleecy; black silk elastic; a steel buckle; 9 black bone buttons.

This bodice is knitted in brioche stitch with black and purple wool, so that the raised ribs appear black on one side and purple on the other. The bodice fits quite close. It is fastened in front with black bone buttons and a steel buckle. Two strips of silk elastic are knitted in at the bottom.

Originally published in Beeton’s Book of Needlework (Ward, Lock and Tyler, 1870). Facsimile edition available on Project Gutenberg.