Alberta Shawl by Anne-Lise Maigaard

Alberta Shawl

August 2014
Lace ?
19 stitches and 34 rows = 4 inches
in st st relaxed after blocking
US 4 - 3.5 mm
656 - 853 yards (600 - 780 m)
2 sizes offered in the pattern. Size can also be changed by using skinnier/heavier yarn than the one stated.
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The Alberta Shawl features leaves and waves and of course the wild rose edging. Work it in three colours or two or one, or go wild and crazy and use up all your coordinationg fancy yarn left-overs in the waves section. Also suitable for handspun!

This pattern is also part of the eBook Canadian Geography Series.

På dansk længst nede.

Difficulty: Recommended for experienced knitters. Two files are offered (in both English and Danish), one with charts only and one with both charts and written description.

Yarn: Zitron Filisilk (70% merino, 30% silk) 600 m (656 yards)/100 g. Pattern uses 3 colours. Large size 40 g MC (#3006 Latte) and 45 g each of CC1 (#3007 Chestnut) and CC2 (#3008 Chocolate) (or 125 g if using a single colour). Small size 25 g MC and 40 g each of CC1 and CC2 (or 100 g if using a single colour).
These are generous amounts, you have enough to make a gauge swatch.

Size: Large size 70x200 cm (27.6 x 78.7 inches). Small size 65x170 cm (25.6 x 66.9 inches). Measured after blocking. The shawl is very stretchy, so it grows shallower and longer with use.

Needles: US 4 (3,5 mm) circular needle or the needle you need to get gauge.

Gauge: 19 sts and 34 rows to 4’’x4’’ (10x10 cm) in st st relaxed after blocking. Keep in mind that using different yarn from the one used here will affect your gauge and thus the needed yardage and the final size of the shawl. Gauge is not important otherwise.

Other notions:.Stitch markers. Crochet hook or other gizmo for placing beads. If your beads are a little irregular, using a piece of bendable fishing line or the like is a practical solution.

Beads: Seed beads size 6/0 or 8/0. Shawl as shown uses 8/0 beads. Large size uses 738 beads, small size 646 beads.

Construction: The shawl is worked in one piece from the neck and out. The shawl is bound off using a simple knitted BO.

Detailed stitch count for the small size is supplied by Kadreco, who links to a spreadsheet in her notes.

Sværhedsgrad: medium

Garn: Zitron Filisilk (70% merinould, 30% silke) 600 m/100 g. Mønstret er skrevet til tre farver. Str. L: 40 g FV1 (#3006 Latte) og 45 g af hver af FV2 (#3007 Kastanje) and FV3 (#3008 Chokolade) (eller 125 g hvis du vil strikke det ensfarvet). Str. M: 25 g FV1 og 40 g af hver af FV2 og FV3 (eller 100g hvis du vil strikke det ensfarvet).
Forhandler er

Størrelse: Str L: 70x200 cm.
Str. M: 65x170 cm. Målt efter opspænding. Sjalet er meget elastisk i længden, og bliver længere og smallere af at blive brugt.

Pinde: 3,5 mm rundpind, prøv dig frem med strikkefastheden.

Strikkefasthed: 19 m og 34 pinde er 10x10 cm) i glatstrikning efter opspænding.

Andre redskaber: Maskemarkører. Hæklenål eller andet redskab til at placere perlerne på maskerne. Er dine perler lidt uregelmæssige kan det anbefales at bruge et stykke bøjeligt fiskeline eller anden nylonsnor.

Perler: Seed beads størrelse 6/0 eller 8/0. Det viste sjal er strikket med 8/0. 738 perler til str. L og 646 perler til str. M. Perler kan udelades.

Konstruktion: Sjalet strikkes i et stykke fra nakken og ud. Der lukkes af med en enkel strikket elastisk aflukning.