Amplitudes #3: Entrelac Vest by Pat Kirtland

Amplitudes #3: Entrelac Vest

September 1998
Aran (8 wpi) ?
4.5 stitches = 1 inch
US 5 - 3.75 mm
US 7 - 4.5 mm
550 - 990 yards (503 - 905 m)
42" - 62"
This pattern is available from for $6.00.

This vest can be knit in any yarn at 4.5 sts/in. The original sample garments were knit in Kureyon. The very bright vest in the photos was knit in Taiyo.

The top of the Kureyon sample garment is knit in moss stitch, but you could also use stockinette, as shown in the Taiyo vest. The edging can be knit in garter stitch or k1,p1 ribbing.

The length of the vest is approximately 20-21”. You can adjust the length by adding more moss/stockinette stitch to the top, or by adding 2 extra rows of entrelac.

Finished size 42”, 47”, 52”, 57”, 62”

uses 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 50gm balls Kureyon

knit on #5 & #7 needles, 16” #5 circular, and 29” #5 circular needles