Andrea Rose by Bitsy Cohen

Andrea Rose

Winner of the Most Innovative Design award at the 2014 Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival, Andrea Rose is a triangular entrelac shawl featuring 9 beaded square panels, 3 beaded triangle panels and a beaded edging. As originally knit the shawl includes close to 5500 size 8 seed beads and was originally knit in a handspun Cormo yarn. It includes beading that is strung on, placed on stitches, beaded nupps and bobbles, twisted stitches and of course lace!

Pattern is a spiral bound book with extensive written instructions on construction and charts for lace panels and edging. The pattern is extremely adaptable and can be worked with as few as one of the panels and no beads or as complicated as the original. This pattern is available in person at the BitsyKnits Booth at various fiber festivals in the Northeast USA.


Some patterns sold in 2019 are missing the full instructions for the beaded bobble. It should read as follows:

K into F, B, F, B, F bringing up 1 bead on each of the first 4 loops. Pass 4 over 1 with beads in front.

If you would like a correction sticker for your pattern, on Bitsy.