Arabesco Shawl fingering by Esther Lara

Arabesco Shawl fingering

November 2022
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
22 stitches and 32 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette
US 3 - 3.25 mm
1203 - 1312 yards (1100 - 1200 m)
one size
English Spanish
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Arabesco is a triangular shawl created as a variation of the Arabesco Blanket. It begins in the centre and is divided into two equal triangles joined by one of its sides. It is bordered by three-stitch cables and decorated with textures with very simple two stitches cables and bobbles. It is finished with an i-cord border. Although it may seem complicated, it is not at all and looks really gorgeous. It has a symmetrical triangular shape and measures 175 x 65 cm. I have used approximately 1100 meters of sport/fingering yarn, Dehesa de Barrera, by Wooldreamers. The Arabesco shawl has a symmetrical triangular shape and measures 175 x 65 cm.

Arabesco es un chal triangular que nació como una variación de la Manta Arabesco. Está empezado por el centro y dividido en dos triángulos iguales unidos por uno de sus lados. Está bordeado por unas trenzas de tres puntos y adornado con unos relieves realizados con trenzas muy sencillas de punto derecho retorcido y unos bodoques. Acaba en un remate con i-cord. Aunque pueda parecer algo complicado, no lo es en absoluto y queda muy vistoso. Yo he usado1100 metros aproximadamente de lana fingering/sport, la calidad Dehesa de Barrera de la marca Wooldreamers. El chal mide aproximadamente 195 x 70 cm/77” x 27.5”.