Baby Jacket Waffle Stitch by Sylvie Zuidam

Baby Jacket Waffle Stitch

no longer available from 1 source show
August 2018
Aran (8 wpi) ?
18 stitches and 23 rows = 4 inches
US 6 - 4.0 mm
440 - 660 yards (402 - 604 m)
newborn, 2-6 months and 6-12 months
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

This baby jacket is designed to be easily knit on two knitting needles. The waffle stitch is a clever variety of knit and purl. This stitch gives a nice thick knitting, without it becoming very stiff. It is a very suitable stitch for baby things.

The pattern is a detailed instruction, row by row description, with lots of photos. Who wants to puzzle on a pattern? Not necessary with this pattern!

Create this comfortable and timeless jacket! A wonderful gift for a little one.


  • English language knitting pattern, US and UK terms.
  • 3 sizes: newborn, 2-6 months, 6-12 months.
  • Yarn weight: Aran.
  • Suggested yarn: Gründl Baby Cashmere or Red Heart Soft Baby Steps.
  • Yarn amount: Approximately 400-600 meter (440-660 yards) depending on the chosen size.
  • Gauge: 18 stitches and 23 rows stockinette stitch = 10 cm x 10 cm / 4″ x 4″.
  • 4 or 5 buttons (depending on chosen size) roughly 2 cm in diameter.
  • Two 4 mm knitting needles (US size 6 UK size 8).
  • One 3 mm crochet hook (size C2 US, 11 UK).
  • (Thin) needle with a blunt tip (darning needle).
  • Techniques used: Knit, purl, slip stitch selvedge edge, yarn over, knit or purl stitches together, pick up stitches with a crochet hook.

© Sylvie Zuidam, all rights reserved
The pattern and images are protected by copyright. Reproduction or distribution is not permitted.
I knitted and wrote this pattern myself, from beginning to end. It took al lot of time and work so please do not copy, share, adjust or resell my patterns.

Thank you, Sylvie